Beyond hashtags

 I was talking to a friend the other day about how social media has transformed what we present to others. Everyday life has turned into clever hashtags, great pictures, and the perfectly crafted status update; in short we are presenting our perfect lives for everyone to admire. I am not saying there is anything wrong with sharing good news or posting cool pictures (I do it all the time), but there is a difference between what we post and what we experience on the average day.  While I am truly fortunate to have the opportunity to study and live abroad, and have very much enjoyed my time here thus far, I have found myself trying to package this time abroad as the 'incredibly perfect year'. Travels, illuminating studies, epic weekends, and just overall success. Tied together with a nice little bow on top.

Unfortunately, no matter where you are or what you are doing, every day life still exists. Life is not perfect. Despite the amazing highlights, there are also pangs of reality along the way. I have no idea where I am going to be living or working come September. There is certainly a level of stress trying to figure out where I should apply, or exactly what avenue to pursue. I sometimes miss the consistency and predicability of a full time job, and am a bit nervous about when and where such a feeling will next come about. The nature of my course also means that I am either swamped with studies or I have a fair bit of downtime. As the new term has just recently started, the latter is what often sits in-between my 'highlight reel'. This is soon to change, as I recently picked up a part time job at a local letting agency, and the new round of course assessments will start piling on.
I am eager to once again settle into a more consistent routine, feeling a bit more productive on a day-day level.

But enough rambling, and on to the fun stuff:

After my New Years festivities in Edinburgh, I spent the next two weeks working on papers back in Leeds. While I did not mind spending time in the library, digging into the books, it was a very quiet couple of weeks. Even when I was ready for a quick study break, the rest of Leeds was also buried in the library. Oh-well, 9,000 words and a couple weeks of solitude later, I had a fantastic long weekend down in London. I spent 4 days walking around the city, spending time with cousins, and enjoying some good meals. (Side note: Whenever you find yourselves in London, go to Tayabs, some of he best Indian food outside of India!)
Shortly after returning from London, me and my flatmates journeyed to Krakow! Snowy and cold, it was still a great city. We stayed in an Airbnb between the Old Town (think grand castles and cobblestone streets), and the very trendy Jewish Quarter. We spent our days walking, eating and drinking through the fascinating streets of the city. On a much more somber note, we did have the opportunity to visit Auschwitz. I could try to describe the experience, attempting to illustrate the massive scale of the camp and its horrifying history, however no words will do it justice. Suffice it to say that while a very interesting place to visit, I don't think anyone can truly comprehend the atrocities that occurred there 70 years ago. Back in the city, we enjoyed exploring the varied history and distinct flavour of the city. Overall, our trip to Krakow was great, and I can't wait to venture off to my next port of call.

I am very blessed to be in the position that I am. I have had the opportunity to travel quite a bit, and have more adventures lined up soon--Lisbon and Copenhagen are next on the agenda! My course is interesting, and-so far-have done well. I have met some great people, and whether its a casual lunch or pint, or some weekend adventure, I'm really pleased with my social scene here. In short, I have been having a great experience, and am SO glad I made the decision to study out here. Yet, despite all the positives, suffice it to say life is not a giant Instagram story. There are everyday struggles just like anyone has, doing anything, anywhere.
This blog has served as a way to update you all on the exciting highlights, but also to share concerns, ideas, and just everyday thoughts.

Oh yeah, GO BRONCOS!

A rare bluebird day in London. View of the 'City' from Southbank


Edinburgh Castle

Some of the crew for NYE

View from Skygarden


Main square in Krakow

Just another church...

Church in Pordgorze, Krakow
