Britain Bound

So as all of you know, I’m moving to England! Yep, I’m packing up and leaving my good job to go to grad school. I will be pursuing a Masters in Global Development at the University of Leeds. Essentially a specialized economics degree, the masters program is focused on how politics and economics affect the development of emerging markets.

It really combines a lot of my interests from politics to business to traveling. It is only a 12 month course, so it will be intense, but I will be focusing on a field that I believe I could make a career in.

The past two years spent in digital advertising have been incredibly rewarding. I learned a ton (both about the field, and work in general). I discovered what I love and hate about company structure, culture, and specific job functions. While not my dream industry, it challenged me and exposed me to the fast paced world of marketing and technology.

As I am about to depart across the pond, I will truly miss all that is going on here. A solid job with awesome coworkers, great roommates and friends, and of course my family. So even though I am incredibly excited, there are definitely those pangs of reality. It’s going to be a long time before I see my dad who I currently live an hour away from. I’m giving up a salary to go broke for a bit. It will be a while before I see most of my friends from back home. Essentially it will be a break from the comfortable, relatively enjoyable routine. It will be a step into the unknown...and I'm excited about it!

Despite any fears or anxieties I really think I’m doing the right thing. Yeah, it might be a bit of a risk, but what’s life with out any of that? Furthering my education, and transitioning into a true filed of interest—I don’t think too many people can disagree with that direction.

I know this blog has turned into more of a yearly exciting trip type of deal, but I’m hoping that it grows into a bit more than that over the course of the next year. I won’t post a ton, but it will be fun to share updates, thoughts, and of course travels.

Wish me luck -- grad school here I come.
